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manner, and it was quite exciting, especially as my Company were carrying up rations, when things were warmest. We then went up to reserve trenches for three days, and had a fairly peaceful time. The trenches are at least seven feet deep, sometimes twelve, and narrow, and you can get most properly lost, and wander for an hour, without seeing anyone. Some are even paved with bricks. Needless to say they were made by the Guards. When we were relieved we moved back several miles, to the dirtiest billet I ever met, and where I made the acquaintance of chicken Lice! I am glad I am not a chicken. However we had a good time there. Lots of smoking concerts, and passes to the big town. There is one fly in the ointment here, we have to clean buttons, and everything else, however, I have leather buttons, so I score.

BC Archives, MS-1901 Box 1 File 10 / RUSSELL, Alma M., 1873-1964. Victoria; librarian. / Selected letters from Sergeant John Raymond McIllree, 1915.