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of air at the time. I did not think there was any danger so I went to my place to work & had got about five yards from where the curtain hangs when an explosion took place & I was blown right on to the main slope. I fell on my right shoulder and as I did not lose my senses, I called out for assistance & made towards the mouth of the slope. My trousers being on fire I took them. When I had got up to about 100 yards I met John McCaulay, John McCulloch & William O’Neil who assisted me to my [?]. The canvas door was down which should have been up. I did not look about for it. The door of the pump was open & a pile of wood put to keep it open. I do not think the door of the pump was left open accidentally.

Andrew Miller Taken before me at Newcastle Island this 13th Day of October 1876

Warner R Spalding Coroner