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4/ that & I should have got distinction in the Exam (must get 85% at least in every subject for this) We had both theoretical & practical work in the Exam which took a week. However my only excuse is that the other men were rotten & the Examiners marked very leniently. Still I had an excellent report sent in & if it gets me over to France I shan't regret the work I put in at it.

     Since then we've all been fooling about doing nothing just waiting orders to git & we aint blooming well got yet.
    Believe are are waiting for that fool Sam to come. 
    Meanwhile all the 62nd Battn, except the officers ????ed  for overseas & the Colonel Quartermaster Battn Sergt Major & an orderly room sergeant are transferred to the 30th Reserve Pos (?) & both have been moved to East Sandling where I am this very blessed minit (new phonetic spelling)
    Its abt 3 1/2 miles from Shorncliffe.
    Re the 4th Division Sam says it shall go over to France & the War Office say it shan't but I hear a compromise is being made_ it goes to France (at the Base) & is broken up there for reinforcements. Thus every one