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4/ Push as our papers made out. We had a larger no of casualites than that on the first day or perhaps it was two at the Some. I see Northcliffe says we Blighty have 900000 (estimate to save him fm censor) killed alone. I am rather alarmed at the out look in Blighty after it is over. The Working man seems to be so greedy & to belive he is entitled to Not earn as much as he can But get all he can with as little work as possible. Perhaps I do not see it clearly but it looks to me as if there is a great deal of trouble ahead. Perhaps more that ever well the land owners hold up the people. Land is going up 30 to 50 P/C so the last rather large land sales show. I am at work temporaly in the Q.M store & rushed 15 hours a day. Have worked or drilled every Sunday since I came over. 6d would get me off but I would just as soon steal as pay tribute. I think it less of a shame. I doubt if I shall be able to write as freely when we are in France The cival censor act in Eng but in France it is your own officers Except green envelopes, which are censord at the Base. my officers know me & would usually mark mine without looking at them as they knew I told nothing

BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 5 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from Ernest Seeley, 1915 - 1919.