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that you can hardly belive they have acquired since the war began. They do such unplesant things so easily in such a matter of fact way. Washed my feet did one lady of title & did it so well & so gently & I have seen her assisting as calmly as could be at the dressing of the stump of a leg & the poor man hollering in pityfull tones to the sisters to stop. It had to be done & it was a nerve racking to lay a listen to his sufferings. But those two women; both so kind gentle with us all, did the work & kept cool & unflustered till it was done. There are plenty of drugs & Either etc in all these hospitals but it must be best not to use drugs too freeley to deaden the pain as a lot of the dressings cause great pain yet the Sisters are so gentle of touch & so very kind of heart. It is just the same since I have been in England. I have the very greatest respect & admiration for all these women. It has fallen to my lot to be under the care of unpaid war nurses & I tell you you can be

BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 5 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from Ernest Seeley, 1915 - 1919.