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would not stoop to. Now it seems that a gang of Labour leaders are ruling the country by strikes & threats of strikes. It may be the reaction brought on by the change fm army life to cival live with nothing to do & so uncertain a future movement as mine is. But I see things at present with a dark eye & rather belive that the enemy in Eng will do what the Hun could not do. That is wreck the commerce of Britian.

Certainly your reports re quartz are very encourageing & it does look as if it will be a go this time. I certainly hope so. You & others are entittled to reward for sticking to the opening up of properties & thus makeing for the general prosperity.

I shall slip over to Seaford (10 miles by road & 2 hours by rail ) where a lot of Canadians are stationed to see if I can run across any Cariboo boys. Since I have been home the WX had been bad (wind & rain)

Just now, Smilie, one of the Peace Labour men seems almost to have the power of a dictator by reason of his power over the coal miners things like that & the fact that one week befor I got home, a Conchie well known to us at home had been released & on my showing a bit of resentment at that fact. I was reminded that he had been in jail a long time. I dont forget

BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 5 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from Ernest Seeley, 1915 - 1919.