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You Barkerville people certainly did do splendidly by your efforts for the good cause. We are all proud to have come from that place.

The Mutt heads at Quesnell wasted good money by sending to a lot of us a flannel shirt with we have posetivly no use for in any way at all . We have 3 army shirts & the last man of us had to throw or give away good shirts or else are at great inconvenience hanging on to the unclean shirts because we are too mean to part with a thing that is no use to us. I gave my own 3 good shirts to the S.A. long ago & this new one I intend to give to a club that collects things & sells them for the red cross. Also they sent some socks & some mitts as we are getting a 1 100/xx00 a day & are near to stores we ought to be able to buy an extra pair of socks instead of so much beer. The poor man at the front may want & need such things but we don't, though no doubt men like Barlow & the Johnstone boy & Kepner would appreciate the kind thought as showing they were not forgotten but a letter shows that

BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 5 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from Ernest Seeley, 1915 - 1919.