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know pretty well what it is like Tom Brierly is O.K. yet and Harry is back from Blighty again and Scotty Gilchrist got pretty badly wounded but I haven't heard how bad but I met Mickey Mercer in Paris and he said that if there were no complications set in he thought he would pull through without being crippled. His blood was in very bad conditions when he got hit and he stood a strong chance of blood poison. Jim McKenna is in Blighty he got used up with rheumatism but I hear he is billed for France again my sisters two boys got in bad a few days ago one was killed & the other lost an arm it was their first trip into the lines hard luck. All the boys are getting along fine and send their best regards to all in Barkerville I see that we will have to put in another winter here but will hope that it be the last Christmas in France for us Well Fred I think this will be all for this time for they have just blown lights out so give my best wishes to every one in Barkerville so wishing you all a Merry Xmas & Prosperous New Year Good Bye for now

from Your Friend 102925 Pte J. B. Westover 54th Canadians

(address thus) attached 2nd Forest Party. France

P.S. I was almost ashamed to write for not having written before

BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 6 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from John Benjamin Westover, 1916 - 1917.