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how the people in Barkerville came through at the Concerts. the amount gathered must make the people of Quesnel feel cheap. I have great praise for the school children they certainly do there part towards helping the Boys. I see also in the paper Sam Scobie has shown up again. the great and only Sam. he must be a lucky chap. never had a pill into him yet. and Jack Gardener got burned out. what does the uncrowned king think about the War. Fred the last night we were at Witley Camp. I will never forget. they are all Imperial troops stationed there. so our Canteen was always crowded with them That was our oppertunity. getting near closing time we got a bunch of them crowded around the Bar and Told them to make a lot of noise so about 6 of our platoon all Cariboo Boys set to work and packed a Barrel of Beer out. it was done nicely. what a time we had that night in the Hut. there were imperial troops of all Batts. the biggest Laugh. we had 6 Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders with the kilts on we so bloody Drunk. My sides we sore laughing. the Kilts took our fancy. we had

BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 10 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from George Gilchrist, 1914 - 1917.