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and a bum looking lot they are lots of them merely boys and they all look as though they were starved out and all in. he can't put up any air observation at all while on our side of the line one can count as many as forty & fifty observation ballons from one spot our air craft has got him buffaloed so that it is a rare sight to see one of his areoplanes as soon as one of them shows up our machines are after it and it is very seldom that he gets away. Bob Norrie is doing fine and so is Ben Scobie in fact all the boys from up there are I have not seen Scottie for a couple of weeks he was all right then Harry Brierly is in Hospital with a bad knee and Tom is still with the snipers in the 54th

BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 6 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from John Benjamin Westover, 1916 - 1917.