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Ration Farm to La Plus Douve Fme.

Move camp again to La petite Munque farm - has been shelled & roof off - corrugated iron sheds built against barn walls for us - signallers in the stable.

Leave this morning for the trenches to survey new front taken over by our brigade from Seeleys. Very poor. Got half a blanket - first time I have had one since at all since early in June - Patrols discovered a tripwire with cans midway between the lines at 123.

Dan McGregor made a lance corporal - cursing "Sunday school" officers when we met him. Couple of our men got by snipers today - shelling for 20 mins. 9 am & 4 pm, mostly around La Plus Douve Fme. - ineffective.

This being a bright day most of the boys were engaged in the regular religious ceremony- some with kilts off, others shirts - all intently scrutinizing same. This search for what Baxter calls the "wee beasties" occupies a large part of leisure time - the trenches are infested and a man is never immune no matter how cleanly he may be - or rather try to be. I am very lucky as "Tuck" Kenny & "Fin" find ten to my one. Disgusting but absolutely cannot be helped.

Going in to Ration farm about 12 shells sent over - first 2 buried in field "dud". Piece of third one struck road between Baxter & me - after crashing through the branches. We wait for a while in the support trenches, then cross shell zone at the double. White sketching near stinking farm, the Brigadier & staff nearly tumble on top of me from half built CT. - breathless - evidently been sniped at - the Brig. General asks me to make accurate survey of the front line. Big rainstorm at noon- shelter with Red Cross in leaky dugout. Our artillery fire 6 shots - starts the Boche do who retaliate with 20 - a little to my left- 2 burst right on parapet - call stretcher bearers on the double comes to us- shell cuts tree in two near me. Complete survey CT. near the Douve - returning find Calgary Ave a running stream - crotch deep - meet fatigue packing in SAA - some wading - with their kilts off. Heavy rain tonight, intermittent artillery fire & much musketry, Shell hit hard road at Ration farm - only made hole about a foot deep

BC Archives, MS-0392 Box 1 Volume 4 / FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS / Diary and enclosures, 1915.