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LeTouret - Richebourg L'Avone & Festubert

May 1915

"Standing by" all day, Called to figure out maps for Maj. Peck. Capt. Moore called in for consultation as to roads.

First time I had a talk with Moore, and last as he was killed May 20.

Battle of Festubert

Leave 6 am & go to LeTouret (on Grande route 6 km from Neuve Chapelle) 12 (by road) from La Bassee. Raining nearly all day &pretty sloppy. Tucker & I crowded out of reserve trenches Build shelter. 6" howitzer firing 100 yds away, but only get two or three German shrapnel. Sikhs next to us & Gurkhas. Gunners now firing 6000 yds (33 degree elev), had been firing 2000 yds. Big advance evidently going on - several battalions advanced at evening & 1000 prisoners brought back - roads blocked with artillery limbens & Red Cross ambulances - after dark moved back to billets in a squalid farm house - along Neuve Chapelle road

Very tired as column halting every few steps on account of traffic. During day Tucker & I get leave to go back to estaminet by canal to rustle eggs & bread for the section- German Red Cross man brought into house - big hulking peasant - face half shot off & blinded.

In reserve trenches until 3 pm then moved forward - crowded together in communicating trench between 1st & 2nd line for an hour owing to mix-up in orders & of course get shelled- Metcalfe, Thorn & Reeves struck by shrapnel bursting in trench - I get struck on top of head with spent shrapnel bullet - half stunned - put on fatigue packing up No 2 Coy rations & shovels. At 10:30 start for front line -arrive 2:30 - very bad going thru muddy trenches & shell cut roads - tumble in ditch while packing box of rum - dig in by dawn only 500 yds from Germans & 200' behind old Ger. trench captured by British but untenable - blown to pieces by shells & full of dead bodies & debris. Get a lively time with flares & shrapnel while digging & several hit. Feel crack on head more now - half comatose. Raining nearly all day & night - plastered with mud. (See sketch of trench preceding page).

Lie low all day 'taking it ' from shrapnel, "coal boxes" & snipers - very bad enfilade fire at times - one coal box explodes in trench 60 yds up & kills 3 men - about 4 other shrapnel casualties & one by sniper. Van Dyke struck over eye & sentry 15' from me thru greatcoat & tunic - timing - ring of shell & fragment tear thru my sheet & plaster me with mud. Rainy miserable day & cramped muddy quarters - on as sentry twice at dark go 1000 yds down road for rations - buildings only gables & rafters road full of craters & 6 dead men. Transport shelled - watercart horse killed. "Stand to" all night with fixed bayonets & equipment on. Altogether a miserable night & in great danger from coal boxes.

BC Archives, MS-0392 Box 1 Volume 4 / FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS / Diary and enclosures, 1915.