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An awful night. Exploding heavy shell all night continuously. Eventually withdrew my party with all wounded and got back about 6 am.

Oct 4 At 7 am Bn began to straggle back to Brickfields through the heavy clay mud. Utterly exhausted. Heavy rain. Got some splendid hot food & then Bn marched to Warloy bivouacs. Had a horse as OC CC. Met sevl 88th men on the road.

Oct 5 Fine - Men very cheery & very glad to get a rest & a wash. Lt Reynolds, Lt Grimmett, Major Wolfe Merton given Mil. Cross for work of night 14 Sept (digging assembly trench in front of front line before Courcellette - in preparn for attack on 15th)

Oct 6 Turned over Co & Co funds to Montgomery & marched detail of 8 men to Achern statn for training in Lewis Gun at Etaples - Fine breezy day. Saw Ross, Capt McKenzie & Briggs in rest hospital at Warloy

BC Archives, MS-2879