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Lydd Camp - Kent

Laying out line of fire - very good success. Puff series with the major - get badly balled up, being my first try at this game. Canadian casualty lists still appalling heavy - Ypres salient!

Thoroughly discouraging day - obtaining lines of fire . LO & RO not intervisible - very poor work - in PM complete mess made of matters - puff series 6-7:30 - make a poor fist of it - resolve to get my corporal to give lots more practise. Jack Mitchell writes he is getting Military Cross & Captaincy.

Short specialist parade - inoculation - afternoon ranging on puff board with Major Eady & Jenkinson. Sit up late letter writing. Maj. Gibson & Forbes (old cog S.M.) in wounded list.

Writing letters hard. With Jenkinson call on Major's wife - most garrulous - prolonged call. Letter writing until midnight.

C.E. Swannell wounded.

B.O.S. London comes in with telegram for Corp. Sharples "Meet me tomorrow if possible. Kathleen". As Sharples is meeting a girl we take no action.

BC Archives, MS-0392 Box 1 Volume 5 / FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS / Diary and enclosures, 1916.