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James Island BC

14 Febry 1916

My dear Mother

This is all I have in the way of writing paper so I hope that you will excuse it.

This is my first really independent command since I became a soldier and though I have only thirty men under men still I have the powers of the commander of a battalion and I am solely responsible for everything in connection with this duty.

We are living in the midst of a powder factory but in a beautiful spot with lovely views of land and sea enlivened with a considerable amount of bird life. Everything is of course deep in snow but the air is mild and it does not rain always.

The change is doing good to my cough and cold which had become rather deeply seated and I hope to be quite O.K. when I return at the end of the week to take up my course of instruction for a captaincy.

With much love to all

I remain

Your affectionate son

Arthur D Crease Lieut

BC Archives, MS-2879 Box 69 File 1 / CREASE FAMILY / Selected letters from Arthur Douglas Crease to his mother, Sarah Crease, 1916-1918.