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My present belief is that it will require a great many men each taking a single evil in view and concentrating on that to remedy it to produce a visible effect. I have all along believed that whatever victories may be gained or losses received the war will not end until its lesson has been taught to those combatants best fixed to receive it. Of course the backwash of these last magnificent operations which began for us before dawn of the 8th has been drifting by these rear headquarters. The folly of it all, the crimes of the cause and the horrible waste - the burdens and the problems of the future all stare one in the face. I can take no pride in victory. I can take pride in the gallant doings of my Bn which was the cutting point of the wedge, but the thought which presses like lead both before &

BC Archives, MS-0055 Box 15 File 4 / CREASE FAMILY / Letters from Arthur Douglas Crease to his brother, Lindley Crease, 1918.