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seem to have deteriorated at all either in physical stamina or rifle fire. They are tickled to death with these operations never had such good shooting.

The artillery too had had the times of their lives. Dear mother has written to me sending me $10.00. As I know that it gives her pleasure I am writing according but as my pay is ample even to allow a monthly remittance to Nell of £6.10 I enclose the 2 $5 bills & will ask you to pay them into mother's a/c privately. This war ought to teach us all civilians & soldiers alike one great lesson that the daily interpretation of the great word charity lies in the daily opportunity of showing consideration for others. I hope that those of use who get back will not forget it. We have lately seen the expression in the faces of refugees recently torn from their homes by fear & it takes a lot to drive the French peasantry from their homes. That is a thing hard to forget.

With much love

Your affect brother


BC Archives, MS-0055 Box 15 File 4 / CREASE FAMILY / Letters from Arthur Douglas Crease to his brother, Lindley Crease, 1918.