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interesting at times. We have laid a lot of water pipe and put in a lot of pumps but every so often we rather settle down as though we were going to remain in one spot for the rest of our lives. Then my job develops into sitting in an office, reading a whole lot of requests, complaints, reports, suggestions and other bumph — answering some of it and passing most of it on to some person else. For our Vimy show though we supplied 600,000 galls per day and provided for storage for about two days supply in Temporary reservoirs and laid about 50 miles of pipe line. Needless to say it was all done in one hell of a hurry and one didn’t need to worry about irate Town Mayors and Camp Commandants to &c &c.

BC Archives, MS-1901 Box 1 File 16 / RUSSELL, Alma M., 1873 - 1964. Victoria; librarian. / Selected letter from Lieutenant Ormond Montgomery Stitt, 1917.