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Feb 11th Sunday Attended Mass R.C. at Berlincourt with Town Mayor. Lieut Sykes T M came & had tea with us also Lieut Skinner. Very cold. Very heavy firing surly German shells bursting - huge flashy sky simply ablaze & place shaking.

Feb 12th Very busy on roads - C.O. came out to try two of my prisoners.

Feb 13th Went to Liencourt & Berlincourt. Lieut Skyes (Town Major) came & had dinner with Lieut Webb & Skinner & myself had most topping time - Webb & Sykes tight.

Feb 14th Went to Liencourt to deal with a prisoner. Saw German Tank fight in morning, in afternoon motored to Amiens about 45 miles each way - passed through Doullens & while passing through the Germans dropped bombs from their air craft killing two civilians then tanks were brought - down went the beautiful cathedral of Amiens which is mostly sandbagged & had tea at the hotel Le Rheis & on our way back had lunch at Doullens - intensely cold.

BC Archives, MS-2365 Box 2 File 2 / MOYLE, Theresa Susan Yoder, 1905 - . Victoria. / John Moyle, diary and enclosures, 1914 - 1928.