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Jan 20th - Frightfully cold & frosty. In morning called on Lieut Sykes - then we went to Le Coudray a place now historical on account of 90 Ubhans being killed there in 1914 by French machine gun - to visit the French Mission & Chief of Police to see what we could for Mme Roussell who is being fined very heavily & whose place is closed for one month. Motored to Rebreuve to take tea with 2nd Lieut Brooks - then on to Frevent to buy a pipe for father as a little souvie, also notified that my leave was postponed for one day only - had a letter from Jessie. Heard the guns of the Somme very plainly.

Jan 21st Sunday - Very cold - gave my men some drill etc - wrote to Jessie.

Jan 22nd Still very cold - went to Avesnes & Beaufort - went on leave, went to Frevent to catch midnight train - train was 7 1/2 hours late. Slept in Officers rest camp - very cold no sleep. Had to walk about twice in the night to keep warm.

BC Archives, MS-2365 Box 2 File 2 / MOYLE, Theresa Susan Yoder, 1905 - . Victoria. / John Moyle, diary and enclosures, 1914 - 1928.