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them, I find that they are apt to get worse if one mopes about them, but when things are brighter one soon forgets all about it, if one is not careful to avoid the subject that brings them on they get much worse and may result in disaster. I cannot believe that you would sell yourself like that. I hope that you will not think that I am trying to preach, but this is my own honest feelings about the matter. I have only fallen in love once in my life and was refused even after a lot of badgering, the girl did not care for me enough so she was quite right. I met a girl lately who had a lot of money and was told that she wanted me to ask her to marry me, but I could no more do it than kill her, as I did not love her, she was only a great pal, in the same way that you are to me. If I had married her I should feel an absolute traitor to both her and myself, as I still love the other girl tho' I have not seen her for nearly four years. I have told no one of this before, not even my mother, but am telling you as my pal to try and convince you that you would be wronging yourself and the man. I wish that I could talk it out with you, it is so very hard to put it on paper, but you see what I am driving at, don't you Dodie. Poor little girl, you have had a rotten time lately, I hope that things will brighten up shortly for you. Don't do anything rash. I hope that I shall have more time in now, as the weather is getting beastly cold and rough.

Best of love & luck,

Your pal, Jack.

BC Archives, MS-0089 Box 1 File 4 / GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver / Correspondence inward, 1916.