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get up nor down; so after 1/2 hour confab we decide to push on up at any risk; one man only ascends yelling for us to go back and not try it; so we lower each other down with the chain and by very very slow degrees reach the bottom getting to [?] at dark. The man who got on top of mountain finds the only way to get up on the whole of the mountain and makes a trail which we are to follow in the morning. June 22th. We get up alright today and find the barometer shows the mountain to be 7200 ft above sea level. This mountain is all one mass of ice with no living animals on except some little worms which seem to come out of the snow. How they come there no one is able to make out; we get home wet and tired at 6 p.m. June 23th. Today we pack back [] miles to get around some mountains and at