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II. of a deep inlet: once proposed to be fitted up as a Naval Station for the Pacifc Squadron: the town itself only comprises 2 stores 1 church: a livery stable and a few private residences: [?] We visited the Indian settlement; saw the magnificent palaces ( [?] log huts) of the prospering (?) - ranchers: arriving back at the wharf (?) were hailed for supper which was supplied by the head store keepers (wife) Mrs Saunders. Having made a sumptuous repast we awoked our pipes and retired on the steamer to our comfortable bunks.

Wednesday March 30th We proced after our morning breakfast to store away our bedding: provisions, (?) into a whaling-boat and a canoe. Afterwards getting seats for ourselves any where we can find room to sit down and with four strong men at the oars we glide on the troubled waters leaving the last town we were to see for 6 months in the distance: we ar-