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when we were coming back from the Somme a bunch of us robbed three great big hives and you can believe me we enjoyed it too - I met Capt Routh today he is attached to Corps Hqs now he was transport officer in the 2nd for a while - he used to be prov. policeman in Vernon before the war.

We change shifts tomorrow instead of the day shift of the last week going on in the morning they go on at 5pm and the night shift goes on at 9.am. I have been on the day shift so I go on night's tomorrow. we do not have to do any thing all day but we miss the picture show & a concerte party - Each division has a concerte now and they are awfully good -

BC Archives, MS-0249 Box 1 File 11 / ELLISON FAMILY. Vernon. / Mrs. Price Ellison, correspondence inward from her son Price Ellison, 1918.