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them is best. I guess by this time Father has been to the States and back. hope you had a good time. and better weather then we have had. Say you could not imagine worse weather then we have had. Why night before last it snowed about six or eight inches and talk about cold and windy. Oh it was cruel. We lost seven horses. It is a shame what the horses have to put up with. but I guess it cant be helped. but the man responsible for haveing the horses cliped should be turned loose a night like that without a stich of clothes and on the highest knool in the country. Say I would like to see A Vancouver Province these days. Gee but I guess there is something doing over there now. I guess it will bring a lot of those pikers along. surely they cant hear news like that and not come up and help. It sure has been a feather in there caps. and no mistake and believe me they got it comeing to them

BC Archives, MS-1901 Box 1 File 4 / RUSSELL, Alma M., 1873 - 1964. Victoria; librarian. / Letters from Bomdardier Albert Greer, 1917.