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Below La Folie Farm on Vimy Ridge


My dear brother

It is just passing midnight and I am on duty in the trenches but my duty at the present moments consists merely in keeping awake till 2 am when I am at liberty to sleep if I can till 6. Under these conditions one sleeps & eats when one can or goes without. Billy has just sent me some lovely apples & a wholesome cake which make a delightful change.

We are in a lousy old German dugout facing invitingly towards their guns but just at present they are busy elsewhere & so far have not given this place much attention. I saw H.B. Greaves a day or two ago & we were pleased to see each other. He is in command of a Chinese labour company but would like to get back to the infantry. He wants to have a whack at the Boche. Leave ought to be pretty close but one never knows. The Adjutant being away makes me stick very closely to business & apparently

BC Archives, MS-0055 Box 15 File 3 / CREASE FAMILY / Letters from Arthur Douglas Crease to his brother, Lindley Crease, 1917.