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Footballers and Christmas.

Editors[?] are queer creatures, and have extraordinary ideas. I do not think I ever realised this self-evident truth so clearly as when I was approached for some humorous recollections of past Christmas experiences by the Editors of "Prisoners' Pie". You can imagine the easy way they came up and casually said, "Oh, just write us something light. Tell us some of the funniest incidents that happened to you and your professional comrades here at past Christmas times." They were very nice and persuasive, and had disappeared before I was fully conscious of the fact that I had promised to do as they asked.

After they had gone I remembered all the things I should have said, and all the arguments I should have used to let them know that footballers, as a rule, do not have "funny" Christmas times. If they had known anything about football at all, and had not always thought of books, they would have known that Christmas is just about the hardest period in a football season. All the beautiful traditional Christmas celebrations are practically unknown to footballers, especially under present conditions, when they are packed off to some quiet hotel on a training diet. You cannot feel very Christmas-like on underdone beefsteaks and water, with only the rabbits or the seagulls to play with. But I had promised, and so I began to visit the others to see if they could help me out.

BC Archives, MS-2570 Box 1 File 6 / MIST, Henry Masterman, Ruhleben magazine, Prisoners' Pie 1916