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Festubest Fight (From Page 8) 9 Sets 4h. 29m.] JANUARY, 1915 [23rd, Mn's first qu. 5 32 a m.

THURSDAY 21 [21 - 344]

Estaminet sign near Bethune

a la Reunion Ses Vieux Amie Veuve Betnamieux - Boulinguez Sit Jesus - Christ

- See May 20 ahead

May 20th (continued over page FRIDAY 22 [22 - 343]

1 Bill Guiney & I kept together at first - at the worse of the fire Bill gets scored over the forehead with a bullet - turns to me. "Bye Jazus Frank, them bullets have the flies up North beat a mile, I'm brushing 'em from my face in handfuls" - "Reckon that was a black hornet" - When we crawled back behind the trench Sergt. Goodenrath joined us - all shaken to pieces - "Lets rest boys - we can't go further" - Think it was Middleton answered "To hell with you, we go ahead - turn over your command

SATURDAY 23 [23-342] 4th Week

2 To Carr". (Lance Corp) - "This Goodenrath did - to now a stretcher bearer - a good fellow too, but no sand. (Oct/16 /Gooderath now Capt!!! Pour la merite!

3 At 2 am 'Spot'. I started to dig a gopher-hole against the German trench - I struck a live shell - buried in - dead tired, could hardly lift the shovel - continually falling asleep & tumbling in a heap - Middleton gives it up - reckons we'll get killed next day - shelter or no - falls asleep - I remember shovelling his legs out several times - never disturbed him a bit. Then we were ordered to connect with the 5th Royals. See P.8 Con't page 8

BC Archives, MS-0392 Box 1 Volume 4 / FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS / Diary and enclosures, 1915.