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In Canada they're singing, And love lies like a flame About their hearts this morning That sea-winds can not tame. Africa? Australia? Ay, a million throats proclaim That their Motherland is Mother still In something more than name!

It is time! Come, all together, come! Not to the fife's call, not to the drum; Right needs you; Truth claims you-- That's a call indeed One must heed! Not for the weeping (God knows there is weeping!) Not for the horrors That are blotting out the page; Not for our comrades (How many now are sleeping!) Nor for our comrades (How many now are sleeping!) Nor for the pity nor the rage, But for the sake of simple goodness And His laws, We shall sacrifice our all For The Cause!

BC Archives, MS-0392 Box 1 Volume 4 / FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS / Diary and enclosures, 1915.