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November 19, 1917 Dearest Mother Another week has gone by and it has been almost devoid of events insofar as the place is concerned. most of the week we had good flying weather, for a wonder, and we were kept at it as we have to make the most of decent weather. At the present rate of progress I shouldn't be surprised if we were to remain in England till about the end of January. I have not flown a scout yet and we have to put in quite a good deal of time flying them and follow that up with a fighting course at Turnberry in Scotland. Tommy Drew-Brook is plugging along pretty even with me in the matter of flying time, but yesterday, he carelessly took off the ground in a direction oblique to the correct on what is dead into the wind ; a process apt to bring disaster to the unwary. However he got away with it, but the Major saw him, and, as it is Tommy's third offense against the rules of flying, has stopped his flying for a short time. poor Tommy is