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6/ Well, the first of my experiences, and the one that sticks in my memory most vividly is the march up to the trenches. "Villers au Bois" was where our billets were, and we had a march of about 6 1/2 miles on roads, and about 1100 yds of trenches to get to the front line, and as the packs carried are very heavy, the roads bad, the pace very slow with many halts, the march in and out of trenches is hated by all. First as regards kit - the officers are dressed and carry practically the same as the men, and very often a little more as they have revolvers and [ammunition?], gloves, compass, map can, and books in addition. Well, I was young at the game, and listened to everyone's advise, and finally decided to take a lot more than I might require, as it