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years old. Forty oxen were brought into the hall after it by way dessert. No wonder that it should "bring slaughter on the men of Erin."

For it was the custom in those times that only the worthiest, that is the greatest hero, of the company present should be allowed to carve and portion out the meat. The question naturally arose. "Who was he?" Bricriu Poison Tongue, professional mischief-maker, thinks that it may be easily settled, vis. by combat. "let each of the warriors or Erin therefore give his neighbour a blow upon the nose". "So be it," says Conchobar, king of Ulster. "There are lads in the house that have many a time gone round the border."

BC Archives, MS-2570 Box 1 File 6 MIST, Henry Masterman Ruhleben magazine, Prisoners’ Pie, 1916