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1918 Feb 14. Read notice from Paymaster of increased pay as_ from 17.6.17 15. Usual artilery activity. 16. Relieved by 27 _ in front line by 7.50 _ lunch with support. 17. Fine frosty weather. 18. " " went for a walk in Oush and moonlight along the Hirouchelle Spur, back over Vimy Ridge Thame by CLUCAS French. Very interesting battlefield. 19. 27_ pulled off successful raid on AVION 5 pris'rs 23:20 Req. 12 DW 20. Raining and muddy. Relieved by 20 (crossed out) 4:30 PM. 116 are left. 52 R. forward. Contained as leur junction at 11 PM. Last man into Inburban Camp at 4 AM. 21. Fire. (five?) Marched to GOUY SERVINS. - Very muddy town. 22. Cleaning up. Kit inspections re. 23. _ conference at Bde refer impending mmove. 27. _marched out at 4 PM for Columbia camp souchez.Major Kirkland returned.