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is a likelihood that it would cause it. It is possible that that glass might have been lifted to one side, and the head of the light broke the glass

J: There would be something to cause the flame? a: There would be the light inside to cause the flame. You light that lamp and tilt it to one side and leave it there the glass will break.

J: Then about the other lamp "B"? a: This lamp M Matthews and I found at No 5 stall

J: Could you find any other portion of it?

a: No, sir.

J: Then about the other lamp, "C"? a: This lamp belongs to the man we last found, that was on the 22nd. I have seen this lamp in town today. There is nothing the matter with the gauge, and I don't think it had anything to do with the explosion

J: Was this last lamp found where the cave in was? a: Yes.

J: When did you find these other lamps, "a" & "B"? a: The first day we went in to clean up the cave, cleaning the [back?] to get the cave in, and we [got?] that lamp "a" [just?] into where the man was found, at No 6. This lamp "B" we found in No 5 stall, about seven an 8 yards from the [face?]. I don't think this had the first thing to do with the explosion at al, for this reason: had it been possible for that lamp to have caused the explosion it would have been more violent than it was, because the other lamp would have been [?] by that time, and the explosion would have been more [terrific?] than it was.

J: Did you see the Chinaman that was taken from under the cave? a: Yes, sir.

J: Was he burnt? a: That I couldn't say. He was so dirty and so black that I couldn't see whether he was burnt.

BC Archives GR-0431 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Box 6 File 3 / Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.