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purposes ? MR. TAYLOR: He is not here for honorarium— I know that. That is quite a joker. So one knows better than my learned friend that he is not entitled to ask what somebody else did. MR. POWELL: Surely there is a limit to all of this. My learned friend does not want any evidence to be taken up to one o'clock. Now, I am not asking him a leading question( and I can take this man and question him along certain details until I get to the crux of the matter, and I am leading this man up and having him tell of the different people in the room and bringing him up to the point where he can arrange his story. There is no use of my friend, being on his feet every moment and objecting to every question. I know my business in that respect. I will put another question. He has already told us that he was preparing some opium for this Mann Quann, and I want to know what did this man do after that. MR. TAYLOR: That is a perfectly fair question. Q After he prepared the pipe what did he do ? A He is always telling of things, something different than what you ask for. He says after he prepared the opium Mann Quann asked him to bring Ham Yuen down. Q You have told us that— what did Mann Quann do after that after he prepared the opium ? A He smoked it, Q, Well did anything happen while he was smoking? A While he was smoking ? There was nothing going on except he asked him to go up and bring down Ham Yuen. BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 100 File 1904/10 Attorney General documents.