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Called as a witness, being first sworn testified as follows: (through interpreter)


COURT: Is that oath binding on his soul to tell the truth?

Interpreter: Yes he said he will tell the truth.

COURT: Is that oath binding on his soul to tell the truth?

Interpreter: He said it would bind his conscience.

2 Q Where do you live? A. 313 Canton Alley

3 Q Whre you living there on the 13th of August last? A. No.

4 Q Where you living on the 13th of August last? A. I was put up at Son Ty Chung’s store.

5 Q On what street? A. I don’t know the name and the number of the street – Interpreter) but by the description it is about Carrall Street. He cannot tell the number.

6 Q What is your employment? A. Shingle Mill. I work in a shingle mill.

7 Q Were you working in a mill on the 13th of August? A. No.

8 Q Did you see anything of a row on Shanghia Street on the 13th of august? A. On that very day I was in the store at 540 Shanghia Alley to buy fruit.

9 Q. Well? A. When I came at I saw the row taking place.

80 Q Where was the row taking place? A. At the end of the street; near the end of the street.

1 Q. Near the end of Shangia Street. A. Yes

2 A. By the way is Shanghai Street in the City of Vancouver? A Yes in the City of Vancouver.

3 Q Do you know who was fighting? Do you know the names of the Chinamen who were fighting? A. When I arrived at the spot in the first moment I saw Chow Cum Wing raising his hand. Then I persuade the people who were partaking in the row, I persuaded them not to fight, and asked what the cause of the fighting was.

4 Q You tried to find out what the cause of the trouble was and then what happened? A. Then I saw Lem How.

5 Q Is that the accused? A. Yes, that is the accused Lem How and Lem Ho.