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with the said Lee Bing against the Peace &c &c

And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do further present that the said Ah Qui on the said 30 day of June in the year aforesaid at Victoria aforesaid the said Ah You against the will of the said Ah You and without any legal warrant authority or reasonable or justifiable cause whatsoever did imprison and detain so imprisoned for a long space of time and other wrongs to the said Ah You did to the great damage of the said Ah You And against the Peace &c

And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do further present that the said Ah Qui afterwards to wit on the 12 day of July in the year aforesaid at Nanaimo aforesaid the said Ah You did transfer to one Lee Bing in Consideration of a large sum of money to wit the sum of $360 for the purpose of Cohabitation and carnal connection with the said Lee Bing in Contempt of our said Lady the Queen and her laws to the Evil example of all others in the like care offending and against the Peace of our Lady the Queen her crown and dignity.

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 9 File 1870/5 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.