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St Yvon - en face de Messines 62 JULY, 1915 Trench Surveys 126-132 "Plug St" THURSDAY 22 Start survey with Prismatic Compass -- much trouble with 1st Bde sentries. Tonight the Germans shell one of our aeroplanes -- an entire shrapnel casing landing with a terrible whizz 100' from our dugout, burying 18" in the ground. Some of the new draft ultra cautious -- using periscopes thru. loophole slits Col. Remie of the 3rd phones headquarters about us Get trenches 125 to 127 done. --fine view from ruined upperstorey of Lone Ho.--but risky-- Pitted by bullet holes & roof blown in by shell. FRIDAY 23 Work up to "Seaforth Farm"--sketching in traverses & getting courses by very rapid sights -- trenches ankle deep in mud in places -- showery weather. Three German barricades across Messines Road visible-nearest