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Aug 29th. Two of the packers arrive with mail everyone is anxious to read the latest Victoria news in the "Colonist" which we get every week; we are busy packing today.

Aug 30th. Off for Buttles lake (a sketch of this lake will found at the end of this diary) meet two of the axemen who have come 15 miles to meet and get the mail; they say they shot two splendid wild geese the other day and were cooked to perfection. too bad to tantalize us with what we can't get.

Aug 31st. In camp as there are no packs for us I spend the day in washing our clothes.

Sept 1st. Rained very hard last night consequently too wet to go out in woods so stay and read papers. about 2 p.m. we get a thunder storm not very severe tho!

Sept 2nd. Wet again so have to remain under canvas;

BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.