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They go in and sleep there till they come out. Our chaps are in fine form and have done wonderfull work. I am certainly glad to be with the Canadians.

Well now write - will you. Have you held any meetings at Heffley Creek recently. How is old Austin? Remember me to him. I notice your gave Billy Young quite a boost in an address. is he a Liberal at heart?

How are things going at the ranch. Can you make an estimate about what the excess or deficit is of our holdings and our indebtedness to the Bank.

Yrs truly, O.M. Stitt

Address c/o Chief Engineer, Canadian Corps. BEF France

BC Archives, MS-1901 Box 1 File 16 / RUSSELL, Alma M., 1873 - 1964. Victoria; librarian. / Selected letter from Lieutenant Ormond Montgomery Stitt, 1917.