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TERNAS. However he left the day before, down with measles & in the 12th Stationary Hospital St. POL. Walked back & on our way called on some charming French people friends of Webb at MONTS-EN-TEREMOIS. Nice cigars & good champagne. Very heavy bombardment on, Wrote Jessie & Mat.

Mar 26th Very heavy rain. Very busy on rounds. Motored to PENNA. Called on St Sykes at GIVANCHY - LE-NOBLE. Snowing coming back.

Mar 27th. Went in H.Q. & had lunch with the Colonel & Mrs O. & Q.M. Walked into AVESNES with M.O. Drew 1750 Frs for pay of Coy.

Mar 28. Busy in morning. In afternoon motored with Webb & Sykes into BETHUNE & had tea at the Officers Club.

Mar 29th Went to DUISANS by installments, very heavy

BC Archives, MS-2365 Box 2 File 2 / MOYLE, Theresa Susan Yoder, 1905 - . Victoria. / John Moyle, diary and enclosures, 1914 - 1928.