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officer, both here and in England, are shameful; and I must save what I can for contingencies.

I gather, Mother dear, that you never got my letter acknowledging your Christmas cablegram, for you have been wondering whether or not I ever got it. Yes, it was forwarded to Lilbourne and reached me on Xmas day. It was as if you had both spoken to me, and cheered me up wonderfully – the best gift I had on my first Christmas day away from home. I think I have acknowledged all the other parcels received so far. Have missed only the one tin of cookies and the University box.

Since coming here we have been doing a lot of work and obtained glorious results. We have been warmly congratulated by Sir Douglas Haig; General Salmond, the G.O.C. Air Force in France; and the French. In five days the squadron downed a total of twenty three Huns! Not bad, eh? My own share was two, obtained by good luck and

BC Archives, 93-6553, Box 4, DREWRY FAMILY, Selected correspondence, 1917 – 1919.