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their guard. That  ? as determined at all hazards to sell the goods ?as if were his intention to ? the proceeds for his own use

? will he observed that the Defendant was appointed by the ?

There was no ? ? in selling the Plaintiff had ample notice

There was no notice for fraud on his part his ? the  ? show that he affimpled? to mislead the Plaintiff or to prevent him from any benefit he might derive from taking steps to protect his property is applying to the Court on the contrary Plaintiff was fully informed of his actions that the affidavit read on the application for an ? might lead one to suppose that the Plaintiff was deceived

The Defendant carrying out the law & eve if the law were ? he ? he presumed to throw that it was

So far from the inference that might

he drawn  form the affidavit used for

Plaintiff being ? will he seen that

the Plaintiff was totally ignorant of 

any application for the infirmetion? being made on that particular day that would call into ? the legality of the ? which he was proceeding and he might reasonably suppose that none would he made on that day.

In proceeding with the sale on the day appointed without notice of such proceedings he was acting in the ??? ? would feel ? to do