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said; I hurried down quick as I could; when I reached the reading room door, Holland was holding the accused down on the floor; he said:- take that fellow away from me, see what he has done to me. At the same time I saw the blood squirting from Holland's wounds; they both were covered with blood from Holland's wounds; I took the chinaman and passed him through the hall door and gave him in charge of two men who were there and I rang up a policeman; I saw the neck of a bottle alongside of the chinaman; I can't say exactly whether he had it innhis hand or whether it was on the floor when I came in; it was near where the chinaman was lying; I identify exhibit "A" as the neck of the bottle which I picked up; the Chinaman made a big racket and was in quite a rage, but I did not understand what he said

J Richardson


Statement of Accused.

I have nothing to say.