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H Woods to tr. Ndh

K. Nopdon[?]

August 23rd 1916

My dear Dodie

I enjoyed your type written letter received yesterday, they are so easy to read, and glad to hear you can still enjoy yrself, in spite of these [?]eafkie times, one repnis[?] some Distraction to present one [?]Shudluif on all its horrors. Elmnle[?] [name?] has been sent home for [?]ly ce[?] fortnight on leave he had been [?] the theatres very much, and Golf, he looks well, and does not cough, he so acts to try and get to London as York does not suit him, we should then have him at home and be able to take more care of him he does not tattle at all about his fiancee, and has not her likeness, but some friends tell us she is quite nice, but not pretty, or musical which seems so unlike[?] [name?] but if he is happy that is every thing [?] like to see him [?] before [?]die he has been such a [?] good boy. all larik[?]

BC Archives, MS-0089 GLASSFORD, Deborah Florence (Leighton). Vancouver Box 1 Correspondence inward, 1916 File 4