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brought in today from the "Stadt Vogtei" and 96 more in evg. from camp at Cellelager.

Mar. 15. Mon. Have severe cattarh of throat and eyes. Saw Dr. in a.m.

Mar. 16. Tues. To Dr. a.m. for eye drops. In p.m. over to the hospital with about 6 others for inhalation. Our barrack has not been heated for two days. Why? Very (underlined) cold.

Mar. 20. Sat. Parcel with 3 kinds of bread from T. also letters from Mother, Edie and T. In p.m. the General Oberst von Kessel & others inspected camp.

Mar. 22. Mon. From today each man gets 300 grammes of bread a day. This is a thick slice. A whole loaf weighs 1500 gr. We have bee getting 500 grs. per man per day.

Mar. 24. Wed. Posted letters to Tottie & brother. Warm sunny day.

Mar. 25. Thurs. Had fever all last night & sore throat. Went to Dr. who says it is "[illegible]" (Tonsillitis).

MIST, Henry Masterman Diary, Ruhleben, 06 Feb 1915-06 Mar 1918.