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The Brockton Times, Thursday, October 18, 1917 Choice Concert by Mischa Elman World famed Russian violinist welcomed to Brockton. Every Expectation is fully realized. Teachers' Association Benefits by Well attended event. Swaying his auditors to his every inspiration, leading them through vistas of classical conception, imparting a telling pathos that made itself felt throughout, Mischa Elman, work celebrated violinist, and Russia's greatest gilt slipper of the premiere danseuse in the ballet at Buda-Pesth. So intense was the appreciation of this latter that Mr. Elman responded with a brief study that was a trilling shower of grace-notes and staccato melody. The last program number was a serious and powerful selection, "I Palpiti," by Paganini. As the bowing artist retired, the audience rose to leave, but seemed to suddenly realize a simultaneous desire for just one more number. Standing in the aisles, dressed for the street, they turned toward the deserted stage and broke into fresh applause. Mr. Elman graciously reappeared and rendered the magnificent "Orientalie," by Cesar Cui. Here the pianist was afforded an exceptional opportunity to contribute sweetness of tone. Charles A. Jenney, president of the Brockton Teachers' association, was particularly pleased with the response of the public in its attendance of the recital, and with the warmth of the brief informal reception, given the artist before he left. The ushers were members of the high school orchestra. They were as follows: Misses Helen L. Ladd, Elizabeth Rubin, Esther Leeder, Mary R. Olenick, Irma Ryberg, and Emanuel Rubin, Hanley Davenport, Charles Sullivan, Wiggin L. Merrill, Jr., Leo A. Cirelli, Anthony Peters, Leo Stone, Peter Ferrini, Frank Dudonis, Walter Ward and Lloyd Johnson.