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Gum Ling sworn says:

My name is Gum Ling. I know Lee Hong. I saw him last at Ah Mins store. He was eating supper there. There was quite a few men there. I know some of them and some of them I don't know. There was myself, Lee Hung, Lee Pock Hung, Lee Jung ah covey the one I call master, Leung Wah (identified as one of the prisoners in Court) the others I don't remember. I call Sin sang the master to have a drink and all of them at supper after four o'clock. Lee Hung called Skit Sin Sang the one I called master. Leung Ah Wah said, "you had better eat and not say anything (to Lee Hung) after we got through supper we all went out. I don't know anything of the fight. I have not see Lee Hung since. (prosecution have no question to ask) Gum Ling. her X mark.

Signed by the said Gum Ling after first having been read over to her and interpreted to her and who seemed to understand same and made her mark thereto. "J. Lehman." J.P.

Charlee Fook, interpreter.

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 87 File 1901/15 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.