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No 2


A; - There's one on the end of the bridge, one to each side this end of the bridge all read; one at the other end of the bridge.

Coroner; - The south end? A; - Yes.

Q; - There's one at each side of the swing, or is it inside the swing?

A; - No fixed to the swing.

Q; - Fix to the part that is under the swing?

A; -

Q; - Then these lights show more on the roadway or more on the river? A; - More on the river.

Juror; - They are placed there for navigation?

A; - For navigation.

Coroner; - The red lights on the bridge can be seen from the bridge between Twiggs Island and Lulu Island?

A; - Yes; I have seen them.

Q; - Now from the auto if there is anything in sight you can see all they way on the bridge between Twiggs Island and Lulu Island? A; - Yes.

Q; - Did you say you locked the agtes? A; - Yes; I locked the gates as I came along.

Q; - About what time did you lock the south?

A; - Perhaps a minute or two after six oclock.

Mr Cowan; - Then you went to the afr end and closed these gates? - Yes.

Q; - What did you do next? A; - When my daughter locked them secure I put the bar in.

Q; - You commenced to swing the bridge?

A; - Yes.

Q; - You say that when the bridge was three parts open you saw this automobile approaching? A; - Yes.

Q; - Where was the auto when you first saw it?

A; - From the bridge.

Q; - From the bridge between Twigs Island and Lulu Island? After seeing the automobile coming what happened?

BC Archives, GR-0431 Box 10 File 4 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Inquisitions / inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.