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Province of British Columbia,
City of Victoria.
The Depositions of Wong Hock Nye, of the City of Victoria aforesaid, Fisguard Street, taken before the under-signed Police Magistrate in and for the said City this 12th day of December in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at the City of Victoria aforesaid, in the presence and hearing of Lee Heng Yum who stands charged before me for that, etc., etc. (see original infomration).
The deponent, WONG HOCK NYE, on his oath says as follows:
my proper name is Hock Nye; I live at Fisguard Street, back of the Ah Sees barber shop; I am a laborer I know Lee Heng Yum; I know 43 Fisguard Street, I was there on Wednesday the 28th November, from the street there is a door to a passage, which enters into a tan room; I went there in the afternoon about 1 p.m.; the street door is always open; the second door was open when I got there; I followed the accused into the tan room; several others, tan handlers, had preceded Lee Heng Yum, the accused, into the room; there were 3 tan tables in the room; the accused carried the money bag in with him to the tan table and handed it over to the man who does the work;

Latest revision as of 00:10, 5 March 2022
